Coding in MineCraft Camp

Coding in MineCraft Camp – Easter Hunt

Get your agent to do tasks for you! Learn to code your way through MineCraft to automate tasks and build a cooler world in our Coding in MineCraft Camp.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn to code through MineCraft and automate tasks
  • Let your creativity explode and build a cooler world


There is so much work to do in your MineCraft world but a coder like you doesn’t need to worry! Learn to code your way through MineCraft to automate tasks and build a cooler world!

Book This Camp

Group course for £150

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Individual Course for £200

[simpay id=”3634″]

Course details

Coding language Block-Based (i.e., Scratch)
Coding experience Beginner, Intermediate
Ages 7-8, 9-11
Prerequisites Just passion and motivation
Spoken language English, Arabic, or French
Length 60min per session
This camp runs over 5 sessions.
Group size 3 max
Starting Dates

Monday 28 March – Friday 1 April 2022 (UAE only), Monday 4 – Friday 8 April 2022, Monday 11 – Friday 15 April 2022

Time 9AM – 10AM (UK time) for 7-8 age group
10AM – 11AM (UK time) for 9-11 age group
9AM – 10AM (UAE time/GMT+4) for 7-8 age group
10AM – 11AM (UAE time/GMT+4) for 9-11 age group

How It Works

  1. You purchase a course.
  2. We email you a video link to connect with your tutor on the selected date and time.
  3. If you are unsure which course to book, you can arrange a consultation call here.